You may be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following a stressful, frightening or distressing event.  It is an anxiety disorder and can be triggered further when you are stressed or if you relive memories that remind you of your traumatic experience.  Anyone can be diagnosed with PTSD, and it’s estimated that 1 in 10 people develop PTSD throughout their lifetime. Somebody may develop PTSD as a result of:

  • serious accidents
  • being told you have a life-threatening illness
  • bereavement
  • violent personal assault, such as a physical attack, sexual assault, robbery, or mugging
  • military combat
  • natural or man-made disasters
  • terrorist attack
  • traumatic childbirth

You may suffer PTSD if you experienced a traumatic event, witnessed the traumatic event, found out that somebody close to you experienced a traumatic event or were exposed to the details.  It can develop immediately after an event or months or years later. You may relive the traumatic event through having nightmares or flashbacks which can lead to problems with sleeping and insomnia.  You may also feel isolation, irritatability and guilt and find it difficult to concentrate.